筆電收購“表現良好;表現良好” Enamd Ryzen 5-7530 EIMD Radoon圖形卡 .512GB M.2 PCI環境,最高的硬盤驅動器可以升級到2 TB(只有一個) 88 GB(1x8 bb)DDR 4 3200 MEMEMY內存,最大支持插槽的支持 “最佳設計” 輕而狹窄的框架,輕度,輕度1.5公斤 D14-FHD屏幕,60小時,45%NTSC,第250行 D豐富接口:HDMI,USB,SD卡讀取器,RJ 45 Grid等。 “完整的經驗” 11歲11專業版 根據硬件,根據硬件的不同,有2年的保修;政府服務;電池是一年的保修) 注意:根據筆電收購Dell網站發布的保修範圍和相關服務功能 查看更多筆電收購▲ AMD Sufeng AMD Executive Director (Provides Image / Industry) Xiao Wenkang / Taipei reports that AMD Sufing CEO has arrived in Taiwan to visit the supply chain. , Heshuo Group and Acer. The lawyer said that after the founder of Nvidai Huang Renksun arrived in Taiwan at the end of May, he started in Val Ai. In the first days, early days and early day, Shenda, Shenda, Shenda, Shenda, Shenda, Shenda, Shenda, Shand, Shand, Shand, Shand, Shand, Taiwanese stocks, including Weichuang, Guangda, Gigabyte, Gigabyte, etc., are still in the capacity this morning, etc. The area also ranges from 2 % to 4 % .Shenda (3706) Contains Nvidia, Intel, Amazon, 筆電收購Dell, Twitter, European Cloud service provider OVH, walking that Su Fen was very close to the Taiwanese industry.There are many opportunities to see him up and down.He and master Shuangshua will encounter AMD suppliers.Therefore, they met him. OC Independent Graphic Card. Last week, he released his first collaboration with AMD to launch a new e -Sports independent graphical card.Integrated AI works efficiently.筆電收購